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2.5.3. Response

statussuccess " | " error
messageerror text , optionalstring

data array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
shift_opencurrent shift stateboolean
shift_idShift ID , optionalstring
cashamount of cash on hand in kopecksinteger

shift_totals Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
firstDocNumbernumber of the first document in the shiftinteger
lastDocNumbernumber of the last document in the shiftinteger
paymentspayment types detailsarray

startShift Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
openTimeshift opening time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SSstring
cashthe amount of cash on hand at the time of opening the shift in kopecksinteger
openOrdersCntnumber of open accounts when opening a shiftinteger

endShift Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
closeTimeshift closing time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SSstring
Cashthe amount of cash on hand at the time of closing the shift in kopecksinteger
operaCountnumber of operations per shiftinteger
openOrdersCntnumber of open accounts when closing a shiftinteger

totals Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?

sale Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
amountamount in kopecks

withdraw Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
amountamount in kopecks

taxes Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
salefrom salearray

sale Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?

A Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
taxCodetax codestring
taxValtax percentage * 100integer
taxNametax namestring
amountamount of turnover in kopecksinteger
taxAmountamount of tax in kopecksinteger

payments Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?

sale Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
Cin casharray

C Array

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
amountamount in kopecksinteger
changechange amount in kopecksinteger


"status": "success" | "error",
"message": "string, error text, optional",
"data": {
"shift_open": "boolean, current shift state",
"shift_id": "integer, shift ID",
"cash": "integer, amount of cash in the cash register in kopecks",
"shift_totals": {
"startShift": {
"openTime": "string, shift opening time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS",
"cash": "integer, amount of cash in the cash register at the start of the shift in kopecks",
"openOrdersCnt": "integer, number of open orders at the start of the shift"
"endShift": {
"closeTime": "string, shift closing time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS",
"cash": "integer, amount of cash in the cash register at the end of the shift in kopecks",
"operCount": "integer, number of operations during the shift",
"openOrdersCnt": "integer, number of open orders at the end of the shift"
"firstDocNumber": "integer, number of the first document in the shift",
"lastDocNumber": "integer, number of the last document in the shift",
"totals": {
"sale": {
"count": "integer, quantity",
"amount": "integer, amount in kopecks"
"withdraw": {
"count": "integer, quantity",
"amount": "integer, amount in kopecks"
"taxes": {
"sale": {
"A": {
"taxCode": "string, tax code",
"taxVal": "integer, tax rate * 100",
"taxName": "string, tax name",
"amount": "integer, turnover amount in kopecks",
"taxAmount": "integer, tax amount in kopecks"
"payments": {
"sale": {
"C": {
"count": "integer, quantity",
"amount": "integer, amount in kopecks",
"change": "integer, change amount in kopecks"