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2.3.4. Body Structure

Required fields are in bold.

FieldExampleType and formatComments
"totalAmount"39340,intshould be strictly equal to the sum of amounts of all items, and equal to the sum of amounts of all paid items
"zNumber"4,intshift number, should be unique for deviceID
"receiptNumber"3,intreceipt number, should be unique for the shift and deviceID
"parentFiscalNum"1,intparent document number, optional
"cashier""Cashier 1",string
"dateTime""2025-01-02T092521.076Z",dateTime of ISO-8601 formatshould be bigger than the datetime of the last document of the same shift
"name""Pepsi 0.3l",stringif parent document is present, it should countain an item with the same name and unit
"unit""pcs",stringif parent document is present, it should countain an item with the same name and unit
"amount"18000,intif parent document is present, the amount of parent’s item of the same name and unit should be equal or bigger
"taxRate"15000,intshould be the same for all taxes of the same taxCode
"name""Apples",stringif parent document is present, it should countain an item with the same name and unit
"unit""kg",stringif parent document is present, it should countain an item with the same name and unit
"amount"21340,intif parent document is present, the amount of parent’s item of the same name and unit should be equal or bigger
"taxRate"17783,intshould be the same for all taxes of the same taxCode
"fn""567765",stringdevice token
"shopName""SHOP #1",string
"shopAddress""Unknown st., 404"string